General Yeast Protocols
- Mating
- Sporulation, Tetrad Dissection
- Colony PCR
- PCR test for HAP1+ (wt) vs. S288c (TY insertion) allele
- DNA prep (M. Hickman)
- Protein/Western (M. Hickman)
- Yeast DNA content by FACS
- Growth rate calculation from plate reader output (read this first)
- Web interface
- R_scripts (for advanced users)
Yeast Fluorescence in situ Hybridization
- Probe labeling and FISH (Singer/coverslip hyb)
- In-solution hyb (Singer or Stellaris probes)
- Imaging with Olympus scope
RNA and Array Procedures
- RNA Prep (pdf)
- Affymetrix Tiling Arrays 6/11 (pdf)
- Scott's RNA Label/Wash/Scan 8/2010
- Agilent Yeast cDNA 8x15k(pdf)
- All Array Protocols
8x15k worksheet (xls)
4x44k worksheet (xls)
Chemostat Manual
- Botlab Chemostat Manual (pdf)
- Evolutions (pdf)
- FACS Analysis of Competitions (pdf)
- Pulse Experiments (pdf)
- YMC Synchrony
Dunham Lab Protocols
N. Slavov protocols
FISH, Chemostat and other methods
Older Protocols
- Vectorette PCR (pdf)
- Mulholland's EM (pdf)
For other old protocols email sandy at genomics dot princeton dot edu